NOTYQ 2023 Dates
Guild None in January
Even months - Third Saturday (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct & Dec)
Odd Months - Third Thursday (Mar, May, Jul, Sept & Nov)
Saturday Sit ‘n’ Sew Odd months - Sat after Guild meeting (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sept & Nov)
i.e. Saturday after third Thursday but this is not always the third Saturday
Committee – First Thursday of the month
First Saturday of the month is "Special Interest Groups" and may also be Workshops
Event/ Speaker
Sat 21st J
Sit& Sew/ Half Square Triangles
Sat 4th
Bag making/Scrappy & Crocheting
Guild Sat 18th
Karen Styles
Sat 4th
Bag making/Scrappy Kris Merritt
Guild Thurs 16th
Margaret Rowe
Sat 18th
Eco-dyeing with Ann Jackson & Sit&Sew
Sat 1st
Bag making/Scrappy
Guild Sat 15th
Sat 6th
Bag Making/Scrappy
Guild Thurs 18
Ruth Nunn Lyons Quiltmakers
Sat 20
Techniques Day EPP, Trapunto etc and Sit&Sew
Sat 3rd
Leesa Chandler Taster Day
Guild Sat 17 (Soup and Rolls)
Jo Grant "These Clever Hands"
Sat 1
Bag Making/Scrappy
Sat July 15 Xmas
Guild Thurs 20
Sat 22
Quilting workshop: Karen McGregor /Sit&Sew
Retreat will be the first weekend in August. (4-6)